Young Woman Sunglasses


Health Protection and Fashion Statement

Sunglasses not only protect your eyes, but they look great too!  In speaking about sunglasses, we often encounter that the public is misinformed about the benefits of sunglasses and why they are important.  In this post we will talk about why they are important from a health viewpoint. 

The following are some of top eye health reasons to wear sunglasses.

UV Protection.  Most people know that the sun can damage their skin. But the sun’s ultraviolet rays also pose a threat to a person’s eyes. Its important to protect your eyes by wearing sunglasses that block 100% of both UVB and UVA radiation.  UV exposure has also been associated with certain types of eye cancers and skin cancers on the eyelids.

They Help Prevent Cataracts and Macular Degeneration, which are leading causes of vision problems and blindness.  Large amounts of UV radiation leave you at a high risk to develop these conditions.  Wearing sunglasses can minimize the risks and protect against radiation.

They Protect Highly Sensitive Eyes.  If you have light-colored eyes, take medication that causes light sensitivity, or have a medical condition like dry eye, corneal abrasion, scleritis or conjunctivitis, you’ll need to protect your eyes with

Sunglasses Can Make a Fashion Statement

There is such a wide range of sunglasses on the market these days that it is easy to find a pair that fits the situation.  You can choose different pairs to match your “mood”.  Sharp edges or oversized frames can signal boldness.  You can choose different colours to match the outfit you are wearing; you don’t have to limit yourself to black!  Different styles are available to fit the event you are attending, whether it is a pair of Nikes for golf or Versace for a patio brunch in the summer.  Finally, there is a wide range of lens colours – pink, blue, green, mirror and the old standby – smoke.  There is no need to limit yourself.  As mentioned above, the colour or darkness of the lenses do not provide the protection so feel free to mix it up a bit.

UV-blocking sunglasses.

They Protect Eyes Recovering From a Medical Procedure such as LASIK or cataract surgery.  If you have had surgery, it is important that you continue to wear sunglasses to prevent complications.

Sunglasses Keep You Looking Younger because they protect the delicate skin around your eyes and slow down the development of wrinkles and crow’s feet. This leads to a more youthful appearance over the years.

Sunglasses Enable You to See and Enjoy More.  Sunglasses not only protect your eye health, wearing sunglasses help you see better in bright light. They reduce glare and improve the contrast of what you see, allowing you to better enjoy the sunny outdoors or drive more safely.  This also applies to winter driving as they will reduce the glare from snow and ice.

One area that many people are misinformed is that the darkest lenses provide the best protection.  It doesn’t matter how dark they are or the color of the lenses. The most important thing is that they block 99% to 100% of UVA and UVB rays.  Also, note that large sunglasses block more UV rays than smaller ones.

Sunglasses Can Make a Fashion Statement

There is such a wide range of sunglasses on the market these days that it is easy to find a pair that fits the situation.  You can choose different pairs to match your “mood”.  Sharp edges or oversized frames can signal boldness.  You can choose different colours to match the outfit you are wearing; you don’t have to limit yourself to black!  Different styles are available to fit the event you are attending, whether it is a pair of Nikes for golf or Versace for a patio brunch in the summer.  Finally, there is a wide range of lens colours – pink, blue, green, mirror and the old standby – smoke.  There is no need to limit yourself.  As mentioned above, the colour or darkness of the lenses do not provide the protection so feel free to mix it up a bit. Consider meeting with an Eyewear Stylist to explore the possibilities.

As you can see, sunglasses are not only a smart thing to have, but they can also be a fashion accessory to enhance your look.  More than one pair makes it even more fun.

Note:  This posting is for informational purposes only and does not attempt to diagnose or recommend treatment for any condition.  Please consult an Optometrist if you are experiencing eyesight issues.


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