front view woman with anxiety desk. intraocular pressure

Why is it important to have eye pressure (intraocular pressure) measured?

Eye pressure, also known as intraocular pressure (IOP), plays a vital role in maintaining optimal eye health. It is crucial to measure eye pressure during comprehensive eye exams, as it helps screen for and monitor conditions like glaucoma.


Why Measuring Eye Pressure Matters:

Eye pressure, or intraocular pressure (IOP), results from the production and drainage of aqueous humour within the eye. Regularly measuring eye pressure is essential to prevent and manage vision-related complications.

The Role of Tonometers:

Tonometers are the most common tools used to measure eye pressure. These devices come in two types: contact and non-contact. Contact tonometers involve the application of numbing eye drops and gently touching the cornea, while non-contact tonometers use a puff of air without requiring eye numbing.

Preventing Vision Loss:

Elevated eye pressure can lead to optic nerve damage, resulting in vision loss or blindness. Glaucoma, a group of eye conditions, often involves increased eye pressure and subsequent damage to the optic nerve. Regular eye pressure measurements enable optometrists to detect changes, monitor eye pressure, and effectively manage glaucoma to prevent further vision deterioration.

Understanding Comprehensive Eye Exams:

Measuring eye pressure through tonometry is a vital component of every eye examination at Sight Care Optometry. Our philosophy revolves around early detection and prevention of vision-related conditions. While eye pressure assessment is crucial, it is important to note that not all cases of glaucoma are solely caused by high eye pressure. Therefore, comprehensive eye exams provide a holistic evaluation of eye health.


At Sight Care Optometry, we prioritize early detection and prevention to safeguard your vision. Regular eye pressure measurements through tonometry allow us to assess changes, effectively manage glaucoma, and address any concerns you may have. Don’t hesitate to visit us for comprehensive eye exams and expert guidance regarding your vision.

Note: This posting is for informational purposes only and does not attempt to diagnose or
recommend treatment for any condition. Please refer to the Ontario Association Optometrist for more information or consult an Optometrist if you are experiencing eyesight issues.

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