What Are Anti-Fatigue Glasses and How Can They Help Me?

We are having an increased number of people asking for “anti-fatigue” glasses.  Anti-fatigue glasses are also known as computer glasses.  They are lenses designed to reduce eye strain and discomfort caused by prolonged exposure to digital screens, such as computers, smartphones, and tablets. These glasses typically have lenses with special coatings that filter out blue light emitted by screens and reduce glare. Some also have magnification properties to help with close-up focusing.

Here’s how they can help you:

  1. Reduce Eye Strain: Staring at screens for extended periods can cause eye strain, which may lead to symptoms like headaches, dry eyes, and blurred vision. Anti-fatigue glasses filter out blue light and minimize glare, making it easier for your eyes to focus and reducing strain.
  2. Improve Comfort: By reducing eye strain, anti-fatigue glasses can make using digital devices more comfortable, allowing you to work or browse the internet for longer periods without discomfort.
  3. Better Sleep Quality: Exposure to blue light from screens, especially in the evening, can interfere with your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle by suppressing the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. Anti-fatigue glasses can block blue light and help maintain your natural sleep pattern, leading to better sleep quality.
  4. Protect Eye Health: Prolonged exposure to blue light may contribute to long-term eye health issues such as digital eye strain and age-related macular degeneration. Anti-fatigue glasses provide a protective barrier against harmful blue light, reducing the risk of these conditions.

Overall, wearing anti-fatigue glasses can improve your visual comfort, protect your eye health, and potentially enhance your sleep quality, especially if you spend a lot of time in front of digital screens. However, it’s essential to take regular breaks from screen time and practice good eye care habits in addition to using these glasses for optimal eye health.

If you would like to explore the benefits of anti-fatigue glasses, be sure to visit an Optometrist to get all your questions answered.  You can make an appointment with us online at https://sightcareoptometry.com/.

Note: This posting is for informational purposes only and does not attempt to diagnose or
recommend treatment for any condition. Please refer to the Ontario Association Optometrists website (https://optom.on.ca/eye-health-library) for more information or consult an Optometrist if you are experiencing eyesight issues.

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